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This controller handles all of the external authentication needs of Rstatus. We’re using OmniAuth to handle our Twitter connections, so these routes are all derived from that codebase.

class AuthController < ApplicationController

Omniauth callback after a successful oauth session has been established. New users and existing users adding linked accounts both use this callback to obtain oauth credentials.

  def auth
    auth = request.env['omniauth.auth']

If an authorization is not present then that request is assumed to be for a new account. If a request comes from a user that is logged in, it is assumed to originate from the edit profile page and the request is to add a linked account. If the request does not come from a user it is assumed to be a new user and the auth information is collected to provision a new account.

    unless @auth = Authorization.find_from_hash(auth)
      if logged_in?
        Authorization.create_from_hash!(auth, root_url, current_user)
        redirect_to edit_user_path(current_user)

This situation here really sucks. I’d like to do something better, and maybe the correct answer is just session[:auth] = auth. This might be a nice refactoring.

        session[:uid] = auth['uid']
        session[:provider] = auth['provider']
        session[:name] = auth['info']['name']
        session[:nickname] = auth['info']['nickname']
        session[:website] = auth['info']['urls']['Website']
        session[:description] = auth['info']['description']
        session[:image] = auth['info']['image']
        session[:email] = auth['info']['email']
        session[:oauth_token] = auth['credentials']['token']
        session[:oauth_secret] = auth['credentials']['secret']

The username is checked to ensure it is unique, if it is not, the user is informed that they need to change it. Everyone is redirected to /users/new to confirm that they’d like to have their username.

        if User.first :username => auth['info']['nickname']
          flash[:error] = "Sorry, someone else has that username. Please pick another."

        redirect_to new_user_path

If an authorization is present then it is assumed to be a successful authentication. The oauth credentials for the user in question are checked and updated.

    @auth.oauth_token = auth['credentials']['token']
    @auth.oauth_secret = auth['credentials']['secret']
    @auth.nickname = auth['info']['nickname']

    session[:user_id] = @auth.user.id

    flash[:notice] = "You're now logged in."

    redirect_to root_path

  def invalid_auth_provider
    flash[:error] = "We were unable to use your credentials because we do not support logging in with #{params[:provider]}."
    redirect_to new_session_url

  def failure
    if params[:message] == "invalid_credentials"
      flash[:error] = "We were unable to use your credentials to log you in. " +
                      "Try again?"
    elsif params[:message] == "timeout"
      flash[:error] = "We were unable to use your credentials because of a timeout. " +
                      "This is likely a temporary problem so feel free to try again."
      flash[:error] = "We were unable to use your credentials because of a yet " +
                      "undetermined problem. Hopefully this is temporary so " +
                      "feel free to try again."

    redirect_to new_session_url

This lets someone remove a particular Authorization from their account.

  def destroy
    if user = User.first(:username => params[:username])
      auth = Authorization.first(:provider => params[:provider], :user_id => user.id)
      auth.destroy if auth

Without re-setting the session[:user_id] we’re logged out

      session[:user_id] = user.id

    redirect_to edit_user_path(user)